Return to paradise – Soul
Part 3 of the Jimboomba Trilogy
Read the Jimboomba Trilogy from the beginning
Basking in the sun on the white gum branch, Luurnpa took his time to tune into his surroundings. The longer he sat like this, the more he could feel the multitude of energy fields around him. Not just from the humans, but from the animals and the plants as well. The magnitude of human energy fields had increased tremendously over the past year. He felt the hearts of the passers-by pulsating powerfully as these interacted with their brain and gut. To him this meant that body and mind were working together to serve the soul. Luurnpa’s heart glowed with love. Finally, what he had felt all along was coming about. Humans were feeling again. They were going by their senses and by their intuition, and so, not the mind but the hart was leading the way. Luurnpa sensed that before long, they too would discover their capacity for telepathy.

Tony O’Connor – Bushland Dreaming
The place Billy had just visited in his imagination, reminded him of family trips to the botanic gardens that their town was renowned for. Instantly, he found himself in the botanic gardens on his own, only they looked slightly different now. Like always, people strolled along the paths and on the lush wide blade grass lawns on either side. The funny thing though, was that people regularly stopped to pick fruit and berries whenever they felt like it. Not just the kids either, even the grown-ups were doing it. Billy wondered what his mum and dad would say if he and his brothers had a go. He doubted that would be okay. Not that he would do much picking himself, because food did not interest him very much, although fruit was one of the few kinds of food that he did not mind eating. Bananas, pineapples and passion fruit actually tasted pretty good, especially those little lady finger bananas that the girls who he walked home from the bus stop with sometimes shared with him.

Another thing that was different was the play area. The old iron farm machinery and armoured vehicles that he and the other children clambered over were gone. “Hmm, that’s strange,” Billy said. “Where have they gone?” Then he grinned when he compared them to the car that belonged to the man who he had briefly seen. What would it feel like driving a car like that? He imagined it would be much more comfortable and a lot faster. Even the family Ford Cortina would have a hard time keeping up with it. And what about that little spacecraft thingy? Just before Billy was able to ponder further, a voice sounded softly, as if it was whispering in his ear. It was the same voice that had spoken to him earlier.
“This is also a glimpse of the future, Billy.”
“Oh, it’s you again,” Billy said with a smile that emanated the warm feeling in his heart. Billy could feel the voice smiling back at him. “Are we family?”
“Hmm, you could say that,” the voice replied.
“It feels that way. What are you going to show me now?”
“Haha, I like your sense of curiosity,” the voice remarked. “Stay curious, Billy, because that will help you to keep an open mind and speed up your learning process.”
“What’s an open mind?”
“It’s when your mind isn’t clogged up with thoughts and beliefs, so that it can receive the information it needs from your heart.”
“Oh, I get it. It’s what you told me about the last time we spoke.”
“That’s right. Your heart is your connection with your soul and your soul helps you to find your way in life. So, if you’re not sure about the information you get, just tune into your heart and you’ll know what’s right for you.”

“Do you want to see some more of the future, Billy?”
“Yeah, sure,” Billy answered nodding enthusiastically.
“Well, here goes.”
The voice had barely finished speaking when Billy found himself viewing a multidimensional film that was projected before him as a hologram.
“In your lifetime,” the voice began to narrate as the holographic screen pictured countless happy faces, “you will witness a world without fear, hatred, cruelty, pain and suffering, competition, manipulation, war, abuse of power and anything else that is not borne of love. There are no more countries, borders, armed forces, police forces, governments, heads of state or any leaders whatsoever,” the voice went on to explain when Billy saw people travelling all over the world and connecting with each other. Suddenly, a flying object shot past so quickly that Billy was unable to make out what it was.
“That was a spacecraft propelled by free energy,” the voice explained. “Not that you will see many of those in your lifetime, seeing that people will soon discover teleportation.”
“What’s teleportation?”
“It means travelling through time and space instantly by yourself,” the voice replied, leaving Billy wide-eyed.
Then the scene turned into one where people were clearly at ease, interacting freely with wild animals, followed by a scene where people could be seen eating fruit and berries.
“People have given up eating animals. In fact, they’ve already taken the next step from a plant-based diet to a fruitarian diet. And what’s more, even animals have stopped eating each other.”
Billy smiled from ear to ear, glad that animals were finally being treated kindly and with respect.
“Yes, Billy, and you might not believe it, but soon afterwards, people will have stopped eating food altogether and even stopped sleeping.”
Billy’s jaw dropped.
“People will make the transition from living off the land to living on light. This is because they continuously replenish the energy from within instead of from external sources. And that’s not all. People will communicate with each other and with the animals, plants and trees without speaking.”
“Huh…” Billy exclaimed.
“Now you’ve had your glimpse of the future, I’m going to leave you, Billy. When you return home, you’ll have forgotten all you’ve seen, heard and felt. Don’t worry though, because it will come back to you when the time is ripe.”

Luurnpa smiled when he remembered his conversation with Cooinda. His friend had really found his way into his heart. Then he realized that Cooinda had already been there for a very long time, and at that very moment, a gentle westerly caressed his face.
“You can feel it, can’t you?” the wind whispered in his ear.
Luurnpa’s heart twitched when he recognized the voice.
“Yes, I can, Jungay.”
“Your connection with him was there from the moment he was born.”
“And it’s becoming stronger every day,” Luurnpa said.
“You know why, don’t you?” Jungay asked.
“It’s because I’m paying attention to the messages from my heart that are projected in the material world.”
“Exactly, Luurnpa. You know you’re doing a great job, don’t you?”
Luurnpa’s heart glowed.
“What you’re feeling is our affection for you.”
Luurnpa understood what Jungay meant by ‘our’. Everything was part of a greater whole and everything, great and small, influenced the whole. The affection felt by the greater whole reflected his own affection for himself. His capacity to love himself wholly and therefore love others wholly.
“Your self-love,” Jungay said, reading Luurnpa’s mind, “is the power of creation that was given to you when you incarnated into this world when you were born. It enables you to recreate your life over and over again.”
Luurnpa nodded silently in recognition of what Jungay was telling him. By recreating his life, he was regenerating not only himself but everything around him as well. Every single moment of his existence, he was being reborn into a new version of his own world. Suddenly, Luurnpa realized that the wind was no longer blowing. Jungay was gone and now it was time for him to go as well. With a deep feeling of gratitude in his heart, he spread his wings and took off on his flight back home.
Cooinda pulled up into his driveway after coming home from the meeting with his client, got out of his car and took the steep narrow dirt track that led from his backyard down to the beach in the cove below. When he arrived, he was glad to see that the ocean was calm and that yesterday’s strong wind had been reduced to a slight breeze.
“Ahh,” he sighed with a look of contentment on his face, as he was overcome by a deep, peaceful feeling.
He gazed at the water that gently lapped the beach and within moments, his memory took him back to a week with his primary school at a campsite near a small town on the coast when he was eleven. Vividly he felt the salty water on his skin and heard the laughter of the girl he had a massive crush on, as she splashed about in the water with him. Even now, her sweet smile made his heart melt. Back then, he did not have the courage to tell her what he felt for her, afraid that she would find him unworthy of her love and affection. That had been a persistent theme throughout the greater part of his life, and it was not until he had progressed considerably in his self-healing that he realized that he did not need others to express their love for him. Their display of affection was merely a reflection of the love deep down inside of him. He was glad that nowadays his relationships with other people were no longer emotional. Not that he did not feel for his loved ones. He was still very sensitive and his bond with other people was far deeper than before. It was a pure and unconditional bond without misplaced feelings of loyalty or interdependency that came from symbiotic relationships.

“That feels good, doesn’t it?”
Cooinda turned around and was surprised to see Luurnpa sitting behind him in a tree where the bush met the beach.
“How long have you been sitting here, mate?” Cooinda asked him, grinning.
“Oh, not very long. I’ve just returned from a trip down south and saw you standing here staring in the distance.”
“It’s good to see you, Luurnpa. And yes, it feels good.”
“What’s on your mind?” Luurnpa asked.
“I was reminiscing about being in love when I was a kid.”
Luurnpa smiled encouragingly at him.
“I yearned to be loved by other people and ended up feeling unloved. Now, after much heartbreak and many tears, I know that I am love.”
“Definitely,” Luurnpa agreed, “we all are. Remember how your mum used to ask you as a teenager how you were feeling?”
“You know about that?”
“I know everything there is to know about you,” Luurnpa replied.
“Ahh,” Cooinda sighed deeply in recognition. “When we had our first conversation, we both felt as if we had seen each other before. Now, I get the feeling everything is starting to fall into place.”
“That’s good, Cooinda.”
“Hmm, this is getting interesting. Anyway, to answer your question, I do remember my mum trying to make me feel at ease after we moved when I was thirteen. Poor Mum, she did the best she could to tune into my feelings, even though she had great difficulty tuning into her own.”
“And what about your dad, Cooinda?”
Cooinda gazed into the distance in his recollection of how his father dealt with his feelings.
“He used to tell me I didn’t have to cry, but that only made me cry even more. I still remember what my answer was: But I can’t hold back the tears.”
“You were setting an example,” Luurnpa explained. “Deep down, you knew that crying relieves pain and releases blocked energy. By allowing your tears to run freely, you were cleansing yourself, without being aware of it.
“Yeah, I was,” Cooinda agreed. “I’m glad I learned how to cry again later on in life, because now I don’t have to cry so much anymore.”
“In a way, it looks like your dad was right after all.”
Cooinda looked across the water again.
“Thanks, Dad,” he said and was about to thank Luurnpa, but when he turned his head, he saw that his wise and mysterious bird friend had left as silently as he had arrived.

A lonely tear trickled down Billy’s cheek when he returned to the present moment in his box. He wondered what had brought this on. Then he remembered that he had just had a conversation with the familiar voice but could not remember what it was about, while he knew it had been important. “Why?” he said out loud, opening the floodgates for a wave of tears to pour out all over his face. While he looked through his blurry eyes, he noticed the tree frog. Suddenly, he realized that, all along, it had been wanting to tell him something. He looked at the frog and smiled when he saw that it was looking back at him.
“From an early age,” the frog began to say, “you’ve been taught to ignore or bottle up your feelings. And every time you do so, you lose touch with yourself.”
Billy nodded.
“The thing is that feeling helps you to grow. Not just your body and your mind but your soul as well. Your soul is who you really are, Billy.”
“I know. I can feel it,” Billy replied.
“When you pay attention to your feelings, you will remember all of the things you need to know deep down inside of you.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Billy. Now you know about this, it’s time for me to go,” the frog said and hopped out of sight.
Suddenly, it stopped raining. Billy smiled and then closed his eyes to let in what he needed to feel. Instantly, he found himself standing on the bank of a billabong. Like all of the other places he had visited today while sitting in his box, the billabong felt familiar too. With great confidence and a warm feeling in his heart, he kneeled at the water’s edge and leaned forward to look at his reflection. “Huh!” he shouted in surprise, when he was presented with the reflection of a man’s face instead. It was the man who he had seen getting into his car near the school of the future on his trip earlier that afternoon. This time, the man did not respond. Billy assumed the man did not recognize him because he was seeing his own reflection.

The next day, Cooinda woke up at the crack of dawn after dreaming of a place he had not been to for a while. It was a very special place out in the bush not that far from where he lived. He used to go there very often to spend some time on his own. He called it Jimboomba, which was an Aboriginal word, meaning ‘paradise on Earth’. Although he could not piece his dream together again, he remembered going back to Jimboomba and feeling that he had returned home. It felt like a message that he needed to pay attention to, and so, he wasted no time in packing his gear and driving there.
When he arrived, he was moved by the beauty of the place, just like all of the other times he had been there. While he slowly made his way through the balgas and various gums trees towards the billabong at the entrance, he noticed that preventive burning had recently been carried out. For centuries, the Aboriginals had carried out preventive burning of the undergrowth that fuelled bushfires and Cooinda was glad that it was now common practice throughout the country. Not only did this prevent bushfires from spreading before they could do any real damage, it also helped Nature to regenerate. Once Cooinda arrived at the billabong, he stopped for a while to take in the tranquil scene before him. He stood there in silence and was surprised when a voice spoke to him, not out loud but in his mind. It was Luurnpa.
“Take a look at your reflection in the water, Cooinda.”
Cooinda leaned forward and was surprised to see a slight change in his face.
“That’s right, you look a bit younger,” Luurnpa said.
“How did that happen?”
“I meant to tell you earlier, but these past few days with you, I felt the change that was taking place deep down inside of you.”
By now, Cooinda was looking across the water as he listened eagerly to Luurnpa’s explanation.
“The regeneration of Nature that you saw when you arrived, is a result of purification. This is also the case with you. All of that hard yakka you’ve put in to purifying yourself is paying off in the form of an accelerated regeneration. Your presence here, right now, marks the end of a period in your life and an era in the history of humankind. It also marks the beginning of a new one. So, continue on your path and you will understand what I’m talking about.”

Cooinda smiled and left the billabong. He was a few hundred metres from his final destination when he spotted a very young and downy little kookaburra, sitting on the low hanging bough of a coolibah. He had a soft spot for kookaburras and still enjoyed being woken by their laughter early in the morning. He stopped walking and looked at it, smiling warmly. “Aren’t you a cute little fella,” he said. The innocent look on its face reminded him of a book that his parents had given to him when he was about 7 years old. It was about a young kookaburra who got lost and eventually found its way home all by itself. Then he realized that, in a way, the story symbolized his journey through life. it was something he too had done all by himself. Finally, after all those years, he was returning home to his soul. “You’ll be right,” he said to the kookaburra as his heart began to glow and began walking again.
When he arrived a few minutes later, he was pleased to see that the place had barely changed since his last visit. The small waterfall flowed peacefully as always, gently parting the surface of the pool that it flowed into. The pool where Cooinda had spent many hours swimming and floating on his back. it had such a calming effect on him and every visit left him feeling deeply cleansed. That is what gave it its magical feeling. The feeling that he knew there was all to know but that somehow he could not fully grasp what it was that he knew. Not that it bothered him. In fact, he was at peace with his incomprehension, in the knowledge that he would find out what it was very soon. He smiled as he complimented himself on his appropriate naming of this place. Everything about it emanated perfection, everything was as it was meant to be.

“Hmm, that’s odd,” he said out loud. He had only been up for a few hours and already the light was beginning to fade He looked up at the sky just above the waterfall to see that the sun was setting. Then he checked his watch. It was 4:30 in the afternoon. Just as he was beginning to wonder what was going on, a voice spoke to him. It was Luurnpa again.
“Release your thoughts and feel deep inside, Cooinda, and you will know and trust that what is taking place, serves a higher purpose.”
Cooinda smiled warmly in reply. Then he went and collected some firewood to make a campfire with, because something told him that any moment now, someone was going to visit him here.
“Follow the track to the waterfall, Billy.”
Billy smiled when he recognized the voice that he had begun to love. He did as he was asked and made his way down the track, feeling excited and calm at the same time. Tears of joy trickled down his cheeks without him understanding why he was so deeply moved. That was until he arrived at the pool with the waterfall. At a short distance from the water’s edge, a man sat by a campfire with his back to him. Without any hesitation whatsoever, Billy called out to him.
“Cooeeh … !”
The man got up and turned around so that Billy could see his face.
“It’s you,” Billy said, recognizing the man from his trips. His heart felt as if it was swelling.
“Welcome to Jimboomba, Billy,” Cooinda said, tipping his Akubra, as his heart also began to swell.
Billy went to him and they embraced.
“I’m so happy to see you again,” Cooinda said as he held Billy tightly in his arms.
“Me too.”

When they had finished hugging, they sat down together and began warming themselves by the fire.
“Now I remember,” Billy said. “You’re the one who spoke to me about the future.”
“Yeah, that’s right. My name’s William, in case you’ve forgotten, but most people call me Billy.”
“That’s funny. William’s my real name, but only Mum and Dad call me that.”
“Do you remember us sitting together in the washing machine box under the house?” William asked.
“Yeah, I do. I also remember that I always felt I could really be myself around you.”
“Same here. it felt the same for me as it does here.”
“Like home,” Billy said.
While Billy and William were chatting, it started getting lighter.
They both laughed when they recognized the kookaburras beckoning to the sun to rise from its resting place and shine its light on the Earth.
“My heart feels happy seeing you two together again.”
“Luurnpa,” they said in unison as they looked up and saw Luurnpa sitting in a nearby casuarina.
“You have a body,” Luurnpa said, looking at William and then turned to Billy, “and a mind, yet you are neither. When you are fully present in both at the same time, as you are now, they will come together in what you truly are. Your soul.”
“You’re our soul,” Billy said and William nodded in agreement.
“That’s right, I am.”

As Luurnpa spoke, William noticed that Luurnpa’s body was beginning to fade. He looked to his right and saw the same happening to Billy.
“We aren’t leaving you, William,” Luurnpa explained. “We’re merging with you. And by doing so, we become immortal and have at our disposal the divine power of creation that has been bestowed upon all of humankind.”
When Luurnpa had finished speaking, he and Billy vanished into thin air, leaving William there on his own. However, he did not feel alone.
“I am one with all of creation,” he said as he watched the sun coming up.
At the same time, his mind’s eye was flooded by millions and millions of images and he remembered what he had always known. Past, present and future merged into one and all realities were present at the same time, as time and space ceased to exist and William realized his potential for creating limitless realities. He raised his arms into the air towards the tree canopy up above and closed his eyes to feel the energy inside of him pulsating more powerfully than ever before. He felt the energy flowing from his heart throughout his entire body, as it created a vortex that connected him through his feet with the Earth and upwards through his crown with the sky and beyond. This tremendously powerful continuum of energy radiated far beyond the limits of his physical body and lit up the whole of Jimboomba. It was in this moment that seemed to go on forever, that William knew he had returned to paradise for all of eternity.
For young Billy in his box, who kept believing in his dreams.
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Telomere – Awakening
Symbolism and terminology:
1. Jimboomba: An Aboriginal word, meaning ‘paradise on Earth’. There is also a town in Queensland, Australia by the name of Jimboomba, originally spelled: ‘Gimboomba’, which is a Gungingin word, meaning ‘place of loud thunder and little rain’.
2. Luurnpa: The Walpiri word for the red-backed kingfisher that is found throughout Australia.
3. Kingfisher symbolism: Connection between the spiritual world and the material world; peace; prosperity; abundance; communication; expression; focus; a sign that you are on the right path.
4. Yabby: A small Australian freshwater crayfish.
5. Laughing Kookaburra: One of four species of tree kingfishers native to Australia, often referred to as the ‘breakfast bird’ because of its habit of making a loud laughing noise in the morning. Kookaburras symbolize happiness, the bright side of life, family, good parenting, loyalty, unity, humour, healing, cheekiness.
6. Cooinda: An Aboriginal word, meaning ‘a happy place’.
7. Green tree frog symbolism: A message to deal with your feelings as feeling enables you to grow; awakening; transformation; abundance; alignment with our highest calling; transition from one reality or dimension into another.
8. Billy: Billy or Bill is a short form of the name William.
9. Wandjina: Rain and cloud spirits.
10 The Wet: The Australian wet season, which lasts from November until April and is characterized by high temperatures, high humidity, heavy rainfall and a high chance of cyclones.
11. Dunny: An Australian word for toilet.
12. To hit for six: A cricket term for a hit that reaches the boundary without first striking the ground, scoring six runs.
13. Ringer: A ringer or stockman is the Australian equivalent of a cowboy.
14. White gum, also known as mountain white gum: A species of eucalyptus, called eucalyptus dairympleana
15. Sanga: Australian slang for sandwich
16. Educate: From the Latin word ‘educare’, meaning ‘to lead out’, hence education: leading out of what is inside.
17. Jacaranda Mimosifolia: A tree, originally from South America, that is now found along the east coast and south west coast of Australia. It flowers abundantly with lilac blooms and symbolizes: wisdom, rebirth, wealth and visionary dreams.
18. Banana symbolism: Health, wealth, fertility
19. Jungay: An Aboriginal, word meaning ‘west wind’.
20. Billabong: An Australian term for an isolated pond left behind after a river changes course or after heavy rainfall. The word comes from the Wiradjuri term ‘bilaban’, meaning: ‘a watercourse that only runs after rain’.
21. Balga: There are 66 species of balga grass plant, also known as balga or grass tree, all of which are endemic to Australia. Balga grass plants flower prolifically after bushfires and therefore symbolize purification and regeneration.
22. Yakka: Yakka or yacker is an Australian term for work. It derives from the word ‘yaga’ in the Yagara language, meaning ‘to work’.
23. Coolibah: A species of eucalyptus, called eucalyptus coolibah.
Images Part 3:
‘Gum Tree’ by David Simmonds on Freeimages
Banana’ by Balouriarajesh on Pixabay
‘Hands’ by Pexels on Pixabay
‘Bay’ by TerriAnneAllen on Pixabay
‘Kingfisher’ by PenAsh on Pixabay
‘Australian’ by Clovis3 on Pixabay
‘Bush’ by TerriAnneAllen on Pixabay
‘Fat Kookaburra’ by Jake Williamson, formerly on
‘Water’ by Photogeider on Pixabay
‘Glowing Embers’ by Pixx on Freeimages‘Canopy’by John Bevan on Freeimages